This is Nicole Castle’s 2nd full year she has participated on the cheer team. She is an Honor Roll student and maintains above a 3.5 grade point average. Nicole always arrives on time to practice, never complains about the work that needs to be done, and will inform the coaches ahead of time if she has to miss practice. She is extremely dependable and is taking on more responsibility by helping teach newer members. Nicole’s “never-give-up” attitude helps her learn difficult dances and stunts.

Her commitment to her school work proves that cheerleaders are smart! Nicole is a wonderful role model on and off the court. She has been on the teams that attended 4 hearing competitions in 2006 and 2007, helping to bring back 1st place for each one. Her dedication to the team has earned her a position on the 2008 Clerc and WSBC teams. She is truly a pleasure to have in the classroom and on the cheer team. Way to go, Nicole!