Subject: Berg/Seeger Track & Field Classic Result I am very proud to announce the results of the Berg/Seeger Track & Field Classic at MSSD. With some last minute adjustments, we managed to finish in third place even without our top runner. I am proud of my boys. They gave it their all and did…
Subject: Berg/Seeger Track & Field Classic Result
I am very proud to announce the results of the Berg/Seeger Track & Field Classic at MSSD. With some last minute adjustments, we managed to finish in third place even without our top runner. I am proud of my boys. They gave it their all and did a great job. I must admit that we have one weakness—speed. However, we have many strengths and that is what helped the team to achieve their goal. These strengths are desire, hard work, motivation, stamina, and unity. These character traits made it happen. When we entered the finals session (Saturday night), the scores were very close between three schools, including CSDR. I gave the team a pep talk and they ran with their hearts out. We were thrilled that we finished in third place.
Individual Results are as follows:
Larazo Leon earned 11 points in shot put and discus. He finished 2nd place in shot put with 39’3”. He finished 6th place in discus with 94’2”.
Nate Welderkiros earned 13 points. He finished 6th place in long jump with 18’2”, finished 4th place in triple jump with 36’4.5”, and finished 4th place in high jump with 5’4”.
Raymond Nelson earned 12 points. He finished 2nd place in high jump with 5’8” and 5th place in triple jump with 36’2”.
Aaron Brooks and Steven Carranco are the key runners to earn points in hurdles. The combined points they earned are 18.
Leonardo Torres ran splendidly and earned 16 points. He ran endurably to the finish line. He beat other runner by .33th second to place in him in 3rd in 1600M.
I don’t want to overlook the small role runners, they did help the team tremendously in earning points. They are Angel Cobos and Clemente Tellez.
Coach Don Cochran