Message from the Athletic Department: It is my privilege to announce Nancy Moore and Traci Price as our co-chairpersons for 2010 Spike Out Classic that will be held at CSDR from October 1st – 3rd, 2010. On the same weekend, we also will have a football game between CSDR and MSSD. This will be…
Message from the Athletic Department:
It is my privilege to announce Nancy Moore and Traci Price as our co-chairpersons for 2010 Spike Out Classic that will be held at CSDR from October 1st – 3rd, 2010. On the same weekend, we also will have a football game between CSDR and MSSD. This will be a big and exciting weekend for all of us. If you are interested in being on the committee for the Spike Out Classic, please contact Nancy and Traci. Please join me in thanking them for the fantastic job we know they will do in running this big event.
David Hamilton
CSDR Athletic Director