> Boys Basketball
> CSD Riverside at Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
> Riverside 36 Phoenix 16

> Raul Alcocer 10 pts, 8 rebounds
> Eddie Schoonover 10 pts, 8 rebounds
> Joshua Macedo 7 pts, 8 steals
> Angel Aragon 5 pts, 5 assists, 4 steals
> CSD Riverside 1-0
> Next Game: CSD Riverside vs. KSD (Kentucky School f/t Deaf) on Thursday at 8pm.
> Triple “S” Tournament from Wednesday-Saturday, December 7-10
> Girls Basketball
> CSD Riverside at Phoenix School for the Deaf
> Riverside 30 Phoenix 21
> Emily Forsberg 11 pts, 4 rebounds
> Cherie Cornell 6 pts, 6 rebounds
> Alexandra Muller 6 pts, 3 rebounds
> CSD Riverside 1-0
> Next Game: CSD Riverside vs. CMI on Wednesday at 7pm.
> Triple “S” Tournament from Wednesday-Saturday, December 7-10
> Frank Johnston